Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Even though this is a prominent theme within debates, it can still be narrowed down to specific issues. It can be narrowed down to issues on how much power they have, how to tax them, and changing their role in the world. I want to base my paper more specifically on decreasing their power, and this can be further narrowed down to issues such as changing their status in the nation as being an "individual". Also it can be debated on whether or not corporation should be allowed intellectual property rights on living organisms. I think I want to stick to the topic of decreasing their power and uses the other narrowed down issues as points of why their power should be decreased.

A lot of people have experience with this issue, because many people are tied to corporation whether it be scientists manual laborer's politicians, and etc. Their role in society affects all social classes. Although most of these strata of society deal more with being impacted by corporations, I would Say that people who have the most experience in it are employees of the main office of the corporation.

everyone in the world is talking about this issue because of the rapid pace of globalization that has hit our society. Foreign relations have a lot to do with corporations considering that a lot of the factories are based in countries with a lower cost of labor.

Primary sources that I would like to tap into are statistical studies of corporations actions. Another primary source would be finding an employee from a corporations and interviewing him or her. What I really want to find is the positive and negative affects corporations have, and for example how growing advances in science have allowed corporations have some amazingly close to owning life as we know it.

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