Wednesday, September 10, 2008

My Editorial Piece

Since I am in Model United Nations, and because I am required to take a class on the origins of the UN, I decided that I wanted to pick a topic dealing with the candidates and their position on the UN. After many searches I found an article in Reuters that is based off a study that the next president should focus more on Asia. The main point of the article is to illustrate that the U.S. needs to maintain alliances with powerful nations such as Japan and China to help solve international problems. I am very intrigues in the metamorphosis that the United States role in international affairs will turn into. The next president has a lot to do with the changing role the U.S plays in foreign diplomacy. I also found an interesting structure of words that I think suggests bias which will be a great point to bring up in my rhetorical response.

1 comment:

Sean said...

I agree with you that the president will have a large role in how this country relates to others. It will be interesting to see how our next president can restore our negative image in the world, and hopefully regain the world's respect.